Exciting things have been happening. Well, I think they're quite exciting. I have a new phone!!! not only is this a vast improvement as the last one had stopped working properly, but this is a proper, swish, goes on the internet, android phone. Everyone say 'oooh'! So, hopefully I will now be able to update this more frequently. Not least because I have just discovered (a little late perhaps) how bluetooth works. So now, I can write an entry on my computer, send it to my phone and update this from there. How wonderful is technology when it wishes to work for us!
As for this last post, I am sitting using wi-fi while in my car... hopefully no one will think I'm stalking anyone. I should probably get home. Not least as I'm planning on making scones tonight. I'm having a housewarming party on Saturday. More correctly termed a gathering though, as there won't be any alcohol and it the whole event will be carefully organised around tea and cake. I have just borrowed a cafetiere off my brother though, with the intent to serve 'proper coffee'.
So, here's the next phase on my more technologically updated life. Having spent a week or two not really baking much I'm sure that the new three days are going to be full of it :) Happy days are mine. Also I wait with anxiously crossed fingers over a job that I've applied for..... one that would reinstate back to my natural habitat of a library :)
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