I was reading the Pioneer Woman's blog today, very fun. Well worth reading. And it got me thinking if anyone actually reads this? I'm have no idea whether or not it is worth reading, does it provide any entertainment value? But I like blogs that tell you about people and cake, because I like people and cake. So that's what I shall aim to do.
Tomorrow I'm going to ice my mickey mouse cake. Tonight, the plan is to make Mickey Mouse to put on top of said cake. Here's where my (rather sketchy) artistic ability comes to the fore. I do have a picture so I can at least trace the outline…. I'm going to be rolling some very thin bits of black icing. I do think that black icing tastes and smells rather unpleasant so I shall only use it in very small quantities.
Mayhap I shall go to bed soon. But I did promise myself to make at least some headway with Mickey - if I can make his head that would be good ;) faces are always the hardest.
I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks to anyone who reads this!
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